Frazier, Barnes & Associates is an independent consulting firm that has built its reputation one client at a time. As a consulting innovator since 1996, FBA has acquired a wealth of expertise, strategic insight, and valuable knowledge. Our twenty-five year history in oilseed processing, refining and renewable fuels is unmatched. We recently converted an idle biodiesel facility into a feedstock refining facility and completed a cover crop analysis for a large obligated party.

Frazier, Barnes & Associates has provided renewable fuel expertise to nearly every major company in the industry. Our team comprises the most trusted and experienced consultants who strive for perfection. FBA provides critical support services such as feedstock and marketing assistance, marketing expertise and technical assistance. Experience matters in turbulent times!

Feasibility Studies

FBA has conducted hundreds of feasibility studies and business plans for renewable fuel facilities. There are five different categories to evaluate for an acceptable feasibility study. These include, but are not limited to:

-Economic feasibility
-Market feasibility
-Technical feasibility
-Financial feasibility
-Management feasibility

Independent feasibility studies for new plants are the most important step you will ever take, not only because they help you make “Go, No-Go” decisions, but comprehensive studies also provide tremendous business insight to prospective plant operators.

Financial Modeling

FBA has evaluated biodiesel facilities since 2000. Our unique knowledge of the feedstock, technical and marketing aspects enable us to develop a financial model that is both accurate and insightful to new and existing plants. Existing plants can gain valuable benchmarking information, making them much more competitive in the marketplace. FBA’s models have been accepted by well-known lending institutions and rating agencies for integrated and stand-alone facilities.

Market Studies and Off-take Agreements

Successful biodiesel marketing is site-specific. The renewable fuel industry competes in a complex, well established fuel industry. Market studies should reflect the opportunities and challenges that exist in the real world, including price, quality and regulatory issues. Understanding the industry and the market participants could make the difference between success and failure in the marketplace. FBA helps producers get the most out of their product and co-product values and links the producer with key strategic partners for long-term success.

At FBA, we provide services to facilitate clarity for investment in your business. We provide in-depth market studies that allow full visibility using up to date information and experience based projections. We also have facilitated several off-take agreements to provide assurance of your product’s sales and returns.

Feedstock Procurement and Analysis

FBA evaluates new and existing oilseeds including soybeans, camelina, carinata and pennycress. Oilseed cover crops will play an increasingly important role in low-carbon feedstocks to supplement traditional oilseed crops. We assist in the commercialization process from beginning to end - a “one-stop shop” to help you through the process!