Not only does further processing of agricultural crops help add value to farmers, but it creates a variety of products for Food, Feed, Fuels, Biobased Products and many other industries. FBA conducts feasibility studies, financial and market analysis for grain milling, oilseed processing and many other Agricultural industries.
While most oilseed processing is with solvent extraction in the U.S., mechanical extraction is sometimes used to maintain the “natural” or “organic” components of the product. Solvent extraction is widely regarded as the most efficient method available to extract the highest percentage of oil from various oilseed crops. This process effectively separates oil from plant materials, optimizing yield and ensuring minimal waste. New plants should be designed with flexibility in mind to be able to accomodate new oilseed varieties being developed.
Grain storage is becoming increasingly important due to larger crops coupled with fluctuations in the commodity markets and the river levels. With increasing populations and global supply chain challenges, the need for more storage on the farm and at the grain elevator/terminal is critical. We can help you prepare and implement your next grain storage project.
For a detailed description of services provided to the milling, grain storage and oilseed processing industries, please contact FBA.