New Renewable Energy Sources
Between Artificial Intelligence Data Centers, cryptocurrency and an overall increase in demand for energy, the need for more power is growing at an exponential rate.
There is no doubt that the demand for clean, reliable and affordable electricity is more important than ever. Solar and wind just don’t get it done. Hydropower is the most logical technology to ramp up U.S. energy production. FBA is working with GTHydrokinetic (GTH) to commercialize a unique hydrokinetic technology that will revolutionize the energy industry. The patented GTH hydro technology offers low-cost, zero emission power 24-7 and can provide utility scale base-load power.
The novel Internal Fluid Drive System (IFDS) under development GTH eliminates “the torque problem” that must be overcome to scale-up the mechanical drive of conventional hydrokinetic turbines to sizes that can provide commercial power. In a nutshell, the IFDS uses captured kinetic energy to lift water sealed within the machine. This internal water subsequently falls through an internal turbine, driving a generator in same manner as water falling through the turbine in a conventional hydroelectric dam drives a generator.
GT Hydro is a young company with a patented hydrokinetic technology that can harness the natural energy of flowing water to generate renewable energy at a very competitive cost, with even less of an environmental impact than other renewable energy sources. Not only is it clean and low-cost, but it is also EMP resistant because it is underwater, very important features for U.S. energy and competitive longevity.
The GT Hydro is different from all other hydro technologies.
Most other hydro technologies try to spin faster to get more energy, but the bigger they get, the greater the torque problem. With the IFDS, fluid is pushed through an internal turbine more than 100 times faster than the speed of the wheel!
IFDS turbines are simple and contain very few moving parts, thus requiring very little maintenance. The systems are incredibly competitive when compared to other methods of generating electricity. They require no exotic materials and can be constructed in modules and transported to the site. The IFDS turbines will be installed in fixed locations in rivers and oceans in the U.S. and surrounding waters.